Although horror movies are quite successful in attracting audiences from time to time, it is not possible to say that we always see an increasing graphic in this regard. It should be noted that the age restriction is also very effective in this regard. Although there are some exceptions lately, we can not say that the game adaptations are very successful at the box office in general. Therefore, a game adaptation that we encounter by combining these two can be considered as a risky investment for the producers. BioShock movie: Universal also decided to unplug the BioShock movie, which has not even started shooting in 2017. Gore Verbinski, the director of films such as the Pirates and the Caribbean, said in an interview at the time that he believed the film was canceled for several different reasons. Verbinski stated that the biggest reason for the cancellation was the age restriction and the constantly increasing cost of the film. According to the news that the website “We Got This Covered” is based on its sources, there have been some changes in ideas in the past 3 years. Universal decided to bring BioShock back to life from its grave at the bottom of the oceans. As of now, the details about the movie are very few. It is not yet clear whether Verbinski’s version will be re-evaluated or whether Verbinski will sit in the director’s seat again, but it should be noted that it does not mean that the movie will be under development. Universal may decide to cancel the movie again, as it has done before.