Extremist content on the platform, false news, spam and fraudulent accounts for the fight against the arrows from time to time that the target of Facebook, such proactive policy for such content has begun to bear fruit. Announcing the Community Standards Implementation Report, the US social media giant announced that it had removed 3.2 billion counterfeit accounts between April and September 2019. This number was 1.55 billion in the same period last year. Facebook also announced for the first time how many posts have been deleted from Instagram, the popular photo and video sharing platform. Stating that it has developed many algorithms for the rapid control of the contents, Facebook said that 98.5 percent of the terror content in its application and 92.2 of the terror content in Instagram were detected in real time. According to the report, the company removed more than 11.6 million content related to sexual abuse between April and September 2019. In its fourth audit report, the company also included a section on shares that encouraged suicide for the first time and announced that 2.5 million content has been removed. Facebook also said that in the first half of 2019, demands from governments on user data increased by 16 percent from 110,634 to 128,617. The countries that demand the most data from the social media giant are USA, India, England, Germany and France, respectively. During the same period, Facebook shared information that access to Facebook was blocked 67 times in 15 countries, and pointed out that this number increased significantly compared to the first half of 2018.