To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Korean film industry, GBO has designed an inflatable movie theater that offers visitors the opportunity to watch cinema on a giant robotic arm. This cinema, which is inflatable and easily portable, aims to give people a traditional movie experience in the digital age . The tent, cleverly designed by GBO , is elliptical and has a very futuristic design. On the other hand , triangular patterns on the ceiling restrict natural light to provide a good movie experience while preventing overheating of the space. However, the air pipes that wrap around the tent in the form of ‘X’ add to the tent as if it came out of a science fiction movie. AIR Cinema offers its visitors a different cinema experience: ‘AIR Cınema’ , which is very easy to install and disassemble , has been developed taking into consideration that it is traveled with minimal damage throughout the country. Visitors entering a smaller mirror ball in the first place can then switch to the wider main section. A robotic arm greets visitors entering this area . Visitors who ride this arm can watch movies by moving upside down, left and right. GBO has managed to convert old Korean movies with poor image quality to high definition using the super-nova technology, one of SK Telekom’s artificial intelligence technologies . If you wish now ‘Air Cinema’s how it looks from the outside and inside with photos Let’s look a little more closely. AIR Cinema draws a lot of attention from visitors: