Because of her generous forms, Joselyn Cano was considered the “Mexican Kim Kardashian”! Indeed, the 29-year-old was well known for her striking resemblance to the reality TV star! Unfortunately, following an operation to increase the size of her buttocks, the young woman died! The latter had indeed traveled to Colombia to perform a Brazilian facelift! On Instagram, the “Mexican Kim Kardashian” was known for her photos, each one sexier than the next! Thus, her funeral was recently broadcast on YouTube! On Instagram, Joselyn Cano was a star! Indeed, the Kim Kardashian lookalike still had more than 12.5 million subscribers … A real record! Thus, the many fans of the young woman are numerous to have reacted to her death to pay tribute to her! “Oh my God Joselyn Cano died in Colombia where she underwent surgery. That’s crazy. She was already very beautiful. My prayers go out to her family. She was adorable! ” Or, “It’s so sad that our Kim Kardashian is dead. It was a ray of sunshine! In addition, her body was already perfect! “I can’t get over it … I didn’t think Brazilian facelifts were so dangerous! ” We can read on the social network Twitter! So we let you admire the last photo that the beautiful Joselyn had posted on her Instagram account on December 7… Either the day of her death! The latter wore a leopard one-piece swimsuit! In addition, in the caption of her post, the Kim double wished her subscribers a good day …