She, like other people around the world, have been supporting the cause, which includes saving some of the flora that can still be given, giving medical attention to injured animals and people and continuing to rescue those who are still in the middle. of chaos; also to cease the flames, which have devastated thousands of homes. She has explained how sad she feels with this situation and has invited all her fans, and even those who are not, to contribute with her help, because even if we are far from where all this is happening, It is the whole world that will suffer the consequences. This is what the singer said about the situation: “It breaks my heart to see this. Australia is on fire, and it has been for too long now. I am heartbroken by the people and homes that suffer the fires and the millions of innocent and beautiful wild creatures that are wounded and dying in this moment “, and also linked pages for relief efforts.” If you are interested in supporting the island-continent and being part of the people who have joined for this noble cause, you can do so by clicking here. Not only will Rosé be thanking you, if not everyone. <3