The situation is getting worse in the USA St. A few days ago, Louis Fed conducted a study of the economic effects of the Coronavirus and concluded that 47 million people could become unemployed. The work recently done by Oxford Economics also reveals a very bad picture. Almost everyone working in the service sector, especially tourism, was negatively affected due to the coronavirus. According to the research of Oxford Economics, the service sector will continue to be affected by this epidemic. In the US, only 7 million people were dismissed in March, and the total number of unemployed in the country reached 17 million. According to information reported by Fortune, more people have never been unemployed in US history before. According to research by Oxford Economics, this situation can become much worse than it is now. These studies show that in the US, only 20 million people may remain unemployed in April. According to Oxford Economics, people working in the service industry and in areas such as production / construction are at risk of losing their jobs. People who work in areas such as education / health are less likely to lose their jobs than others.