Microsoft’s latest update to Windows devices, Windows 10 and Windows Server’deki aimed to close a very important gap. In fact, with the latest security update, the company has managed to bridge not only one vulnerability, but a total of 48. Five of the 48 system vulnerabilities Microsoft had closed were related to the company’s Desktop Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) servis based services. To date, these vulnerabilities have been used by many to provide remote access to computers on others’ networks. The two openings allowed hackers to enter the network without entering a password. The two vulnerabilities discovered are even more dangerous than password gaps: These vulnerabilities, CVE-2020-0609 and CVE-2020-0610, are rated by Microsoft as more dangerous than password vulnerabilities. The reason for this was that the users of this vulnerability paved the way for remote access to target RPD servers without any approval. Microsoft has warned the Security Response Center about these two vulnerabilities. According to Microsoft’s warning, this vulnerability could allow a person to install programs on your computer, view, modify, or delete data, or open a full-featured vulnerability. The only way to avoid the vulnerability is to update: The only way to get rid of this vulnerability is to install the latest update from Microsoft to your Windows device. Both vulnerabilities use Remote Desktop Gateway permissions created using the RPD protocol. Other vulnerabilities Microsoft has closed in the RDP protocol include a vulnerability discovered in Remote Desktop Web Access. This vulnerability allows people who want to harm you to gain access to users’ login information using Web permissions. The vulnerabilities Microsoft is talking about are particularly risky for older servers. Because the vulnerabilities are deeply rooted, Microsoft may have to send the latest update to older versions of the operating system. In May 2019, the company showed how serious an discovered vulnerability was by updating Windows 10 with Vista, Server 2003, and even XP.